UKAAP is a new concept – it is for everyone no matter what their qualifications, who practice and work within the field of Aesthetic Medicine. We embrace medical/dental practitioners, nurse practitioners, beauty practitioners, anyone who is involved in the delivery of clinical and/or administrative services in Aesthetic Practice. Our advisory board reflects the breadth of our concept.
The educational content of this website is intended to be the best in the world and we are striving constantly to maintain this unbelievably high standard. You will see immediately from the quality of our video education samples here on the front page what we bring and offer.
The UK Academy of Aesthetic Practitioners is committed to welcoming all aesthetic practitioners from any professional background into an educational body providing ethical, educational and training support to Aesthetic Practice. Our overarching aim is to generate a welcoming, supportive, training portfolio of IT based and also traditional meeting based support for anyone wishing to practice in this multi-specialist area of medicine such that CLIENTS get the best deal from us all.